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Aplicacion de Nuevo Estudiante 2025

Fecha límite de solicitud: 17 de febrero de 2025

¡Gracias por su interés en Breakthrough! Los estudiantes y padres deben leer detenidamente toda la información a continuación. Tenga en cuenta que las secciones para estudiantes en esta aplicacion están en inglés, mientras que las secciones para padres están en español.

Breakthrough San Juan Capistrano es un programa basado en la comunidad que empodera a estudiantes motivados con antecedentes subrepresentados en la educación superior para lograr el éxito académico desde la escuela secundaria hasta la graduación universitaria.


  • unchecked

    Hogar de bajos recursos/Ingresos anuales del hogar de menos de $80,000.

  • unchecked

    Primera generación: Uno o ambos padres no se graduaron de la universidad en los Estados Unidos.

  • unchecked

    Históricamente subrepresentados en la educación universidad


  • unchecked

    Motivación Académica con un GPA mínimo de 3.5

  • unchecked

    Actualmente asiste a la escuela secundaria Marco Forster como estudiante

  • unchecked

    Comprometidos a asistir al año escolar y a la programación de verano.

  • unchecked

    Asistió a una reunión informativa sobre el reclutamiento de nuevos estudiantes

    • uncheckedMiercoles,

      15 de Enero de 2025, 6:00-7:30 p.m

Ubicación: Salón de MPR en la escuela de Marco Forster Middle School

  • uncheckedJueves

    16 de Enero de 2025, 6:00-7:30 p.m.

Ubicación: Casa Unidos, 31341 Los Ríos St, San Juan Capistrano

  • uncheckedMiercoles

    22 de Enero de 2024, 6:00-7:30 p.m.

Ubicación: Boys & Girls Club, 1 Vía Positiva, San Juan Capistrano


  • unchecked

    Entregar las solicitudes de estudiantes en línea antes de: 17 de Febrero de 2025

  • unchecked

    Super Sábado (*en persona, solo para estudiantes): Sábado, 15 de Marzo de 2025, 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. 

  • unchecked

    Entrevistas de familias (*en persona, programadas para 25 minutos): de Marzo a Abril  

  • unchecked

    Anuncio de decisiones de admisión: 19 de Abril de 2025

  • Orientación para nuevos estudiantes y exames: 3 de Mayo de 2025, de 9:00 a.m. a 2:00 p.m.

Consejo para la Aplicación : Guarde su Información de Inicio 

Para facilitar su proceso de la aplicación, es crucial guardar los detalles de su inicio de sesión. Anote su nombre de usuario y contraseña en una nota y guárdela en un lugar seguro pero accesible. Esto le ayudará a volver a iniciar sesión en su aplicación fácilmente si es necesario. Además, asegúrese de usar un correo electrónico que no sea de Capistrano Unified School District (CUSD) al aplicar. Esto ayuda a evitar cualquier problema con el filtrado de correos electrónicos y asegura que reciba todas las comunicaciones importantes relacionadas con su solicitud.

Para preguntas, por favor comuníquese con la Assistente Directora, Tania Solano Cervantes, por correo electrónico a o llame al 949.661.0108 extensión 1316.

Student Section: We are interested in getting to know each student who applies to Breakthrough so this section should ONLY BE COMPLETED BY THE STUDENT.  If you have any questions as you complete this portion of the application, please reach out to an adult.
Student Contact Information
Student Language(s)
Student Section: We are interested in getting to know each student who applies to Breakthrough so this section should ONLY BE COMPLETED BY THE STUDENT.  If you have any questions as you complete this portion of the application, please reach out to an adult.
Teacher or Other Recommenders
Breakthrough requires two recommendations as part of the application process.  Please list the teachers who will provide your recommendations.  The first recommender must be from your English or Social Sciene teacher. The second recommender must be from your Math or Science teacher. Your parent / guardian will be asked to provide their email addresses in the parent section of the application.
Please provide the teacher's full name.
Please provide the teacher's full name.
Breakthrough History

If more than one, choose the option that was most influential in applying for Breakthrough
Names of family members, teachers, etc.
School Information
Short Answer Questions:  Please answer all of the questions below using at least 2 sentences and no more than 5 sentences.  We want to see your best work!  You may work on your responses on a Word or Google document and copy/paste your responses here when you are ready. Please don't forget to click "Save"!
1.  Breakthrough is a long-term commitment. See program description for a full explanation of the commitment. Why do you want to be a part of Breakthrough, and why do you feel ready for this commitment? What do you hope to gain?

Your answer is required in order to submit.
2.  Breakthrough is an opportunity to grow academically, socially, and personally. What areas of growth would you focus on personally at Breakthrough and why?

Your answer is required in order to submit.
3. What are your favorite things to do outside of school (hobbies, special interests, etc.)? Why do you  enjoy them?

Your answer is required in order to submit.
4. What does being a leader mean to you? Describe a time when you were a leader.

Your answer is required in order to submit.
Essay:  Please answer the questions below using 250 words or less.  We want to see your best work! You may work on your responses on a Word or Google document and then copy/paste here when you are ready. Please don’t forget to click “Save”!
1. At Breakthrough, we understand students are faced with important decisions every day. Please write about one difficult decision you have had to make. Why did you make that decision? What were the consequences of your decision? How did this decision affect your life? Would you make this decision again?

Your answer is required in order to submit.
2. If you could fast-forward into the future and see yourself, where do you think you will be in the next 10-15 years? What kinds of things will you be doing? What type of job will you have? How will you achieve these goals? Where will you be living? Describe in detail what your life will be like in the future.

Your answer is required in order to submit.

Sección Familiar: Esta sección de la solicitud SÓLO debe SER COMPLETADA POR UN PADRE/MADRE. Breakthrough revisará toda la información de forma cuidadosa, confidencial y holística.

Parent / Guardian Information
First Name:
Last Name:
Gender Specify:
Birth Country:
Home Address Street:
Home Address City:
Home Address State:
Home Address Zip Code:
My address is the same as the student's:
Email Address:
Home Phone:
Cell Phone:
Work Phone:
Preferred means of contact:
Please select the best day(s) to contact you:
Please select the best time(s) to contact you:

Historial de empleo (Employment History)

Employment status:
Employer name:

Historia de la Educacion (Education History)

Does your student qualify as a first-generation college student (i.e. neither parent has a 4-year degree from the US)? A first-generation student means BOTH parents did not complete a 4-year college or university degree (or higher). If a degree was obtained from a country other than the United States, a student qualifies as a first-generation student.
Highest level of education completed:
Country of Bachelor's degree

Idiona(s) del Hogar (Home Language(s))

What language do you primarily speak at home?
Is there a secondary language you speak at home?
What secondary language do you speak at home?
Are there any other language(s) you speak at home?
What additional language(s) do you speak at home? Select all that apply.
How comfortable are you with English?
Would you need documents and communication to be translated for you?

Detalles de la Relacion (Relationship Details)

Is the student being raised in a single parent household?
What is your relationship to the student?
Do you have a spouse or partner who lives in the same household as you and your student?
What is your spouse/partner's relationship to the student?
Is there any other adult(s) involved in the student's upbringing or living in your home that we should be in contact with? Is there any other adult(s) involved in the student's upbringing or living in your home that we should be in contact with?
Please provide details on other adult(s): Ex: Name, relationship, contact information, etc.
How much of the time does your student live with you?
Does the student receive additional financial support from another parent or guardian?
Where does the student live when not living with you?
Please explain any additional things to know about the student's family or family structure below:
I would like to enter information for a second Parent/Guardian:
Información de Contacto del Otro Padre/ Tutor (Parent / Guardian #2 Contact Information
Does Parent/Guardian #2 live in the same household as Parent/Guardian #1?
I am only comfortable providing basic contact information on behalf of 'Parent / Guardian #2'.
First Name:
Last Name:
Gender Specify:
Birth Country:
Home Address Street:
Home Address City:
Home Address State:
Home Address Zip Code:
Home Phone:
What is your relationship to the student?
Cell Phone:
Work Phone:
Email Address:
Preferred means of contact:
Please select the best day(s) to contact them:
Please select the best time(s) to contact them:

Historial de Empleo (Employment History)

Employment status:
Employer name:

Historia de la Educacion (Education History)

Their highest level of education completed:
Country of Bachelor's degree

Idiona(s) del Hogar (Home Language(s))

What language is primarily spoken in their home?
Is there a secondary language spoken at their home?
What secondary language do they speak at their home?
Are there any other language(s) they speak at home?
What additional language(s) do they speak at home? Select all that apply.
How comfortable are they with English?
Would they need documents and communication to be translated?

Sección Familiar: Esta sección de la solicitud SÓLO debe SER COMPLETADA POR UN PADRE/MADRE. Breakthrough revisará toda la información de forma cuidadosa, confidencial y holística.

Historal de Breakthrough (Breakthrough History)

How did you hear about Breakthrough? Select all that apply.
Other - please explain:
Please provide details on how you heard about Breakthrough: Names of family members, teachers, etc.
Do you have any other children or relatives in the program?
What is their relationship to the student applicant?
Please provide details of the Breakthrough student(s): name(s), relationship type(s), Breakthrough site(s), and their current grade level(s):
Antecedentes de Familia (Family Background)
Is your monthly income fixed or flexible?
What is your ANNUAL pre-tax household income last year:
How many people living in your household are under the age of 18?
How many people in your household are 18 years of age or older?
Please upload your 1040 (optional): Form 1040 is an IRS tax form used for personal federal income tax returns filed by United States residents. The form calculates the total taxable income of the taxpayer. IRS 1040 form can be found here : (copy and paste into a new browser).
Has anything happened in the last year that has impacted the accuracy of the information provided on your current financial situation?
Sección Familiar: Esta sección de la solicitud SÓLO debe SER COMPLETADA POR UN PADRE/MADRE. Breakthrough revisará toda la información de forma cuidadosa, confidencial y holística.
Antecedentes del Estudiante (Student Background)
Does your student qualify for Free or Reduced Price Lunch? If you are unsure if your student qualifies, visit this website to calculate free or reduced price lunch status: (copy and paste into a new browser).
Is your student Hispanic or Latinx?

Which of the following choices describe your student's race? Select all that apply.
Please specify student's country/ies of origin: Hold down the Ctrl button to choose more than one.
Please list or describe any other communities your student identifies with: Can be specific ethnicity (Hmong, Chinese, Nigerian), religious affiliation (Muslim, Jewish, Jain), or any other community your student identifies with.
How will your student get to/from Breakthrough?

Other transport:
Ejemplos: Deportes, Avid, Boys and Girls Club, actividades religiosas, etc. Does your student currently participate in any other programs or activities? Examples: Sports, Avid, Boys and Girls Club, Religious Activities, etc.

Please describe your student's other commitment(s). How many hours per week does your student dedicate to each activity and how flexible are these commitments?
Do you foresee any conflicts with the dates of the program?

Please explain conflicts/concerns:
To ensure that your child receives the consideration, support and encouragement they need while in Breakthrough, please share any educational support/services your student has or is currently receiving. Please select all that apply. If applicable (i.e. speech therapy, extra tutoring, medication, any accomodations, IEP, 504 Accomodation plans, RSP, etc.)
Please describe educational support/ services:
Breakthrough is a rigorous 6-year academic commitment. How will you help your student fulfill this commitment? Please explain:
Please upload a student photo (optional):

Sección Familiar: Esta sección de la solicitud SÓLO debe SER COMPLETADA POR UN PADRE/MADRE. Breakthrough revisará toda la información de forma cuidadosa, confidencial y holística.

Preguntas de Respuesta Corta : Ayuudenos a concocer a su estudiante respondiendo a las preguntas a continuacion.  Por favor escriba al menos dos oraciones completas. Puede trabajar en sus respuestas en un documento de Word o Google y luego copiar/pegar aquí cuando esté listo. ¡Por favor, no olvide hacer clic en "Save"!

1. ¿Por qué le gustaría que su estudiante fuera parte de Breakthrough?

WHY WOULD YOUR STUDENT LIKE TO BE A PART OF BREAKTHROUGH? Your answer is required in order to submit.
2.  El éxito de los estudiantes de Breakthrough y de nuestro programa en su conjunto depende del apoyo continuo de los miembros de la familia. ¿Cómo apoyará a su estudiante y contribuirá a la comunidad Breakthrough?

3.  ¿Describa lo que hace su hijo cuando llega a casa de la escuela. ¿Tienen tareas? ¿Te ayudan a cuidar a los hermanos? ¿Dónde y cómo completan sus tareas?

Información de la escuela del estudiante (Student School Information)
Name of student's current school:
Other School:
Will the student be attending the same school next year?
Student's new school name:
Please list the school counselor or registrar at your student's school:
Información de recomendación: Breakthrough requiere dos recomendaciones como parte del proceso de solicitud. Su estudiante ya proporcionó nombres, proporcione la dirección de correo electrónico y nos comunicaremos con estos recomendadores directamente por correo electrónico.

Recomendante 1
If this name is incorrect or mispelled, please correct under the student section on page 3 of this form.
1a. Recommender's Email:
Recomendante 2
If this name is incorrect or mispelled, please correct under the student section on page 3 of this form.
2a. Recommender's Email:
Please upload transcripts here. 
Breakthrough Expectations

Breakthrough San Juan Capistrano es un programa de enriquecimiento académico gratuito. Su hijo está solicitando un compromiso de más de 10 años que incluye:

Programa de Verano: Tres sesiones de verano intensivas de seis semanas que se llevan a cabo después de sus años escolares de 6º, 7º y 8º grado en la Escuela Episcopal de St. Margaret (se ofrece transporte).

Programación de la Escuela Secundaria: Preparación académica y programación de enriquecimiento durante sus años escolares de 7º y 8º grado, que incluye:

  • Programa después de clases ofrecido una vez a la semana en Marco Forster.

  • Asistencia a reuniones trimestrales familiares programadas para el año escolar.

  • Mantenimiento de la excelencia académica y la participación.

  • Responsabilidad ante cualquier comunicación del personal de Breakthrough.

Programación de la Preparatoria y Universitaria: Apoyo continuo durante la escuela secundaria y la universidad, que incluye asesoramiento y orientación universitaria, y:

  • Asistencia a reuniones trimestrales familiares programadas para el año escolar.

  • Talleres para estudiantes que se preparan para la admisión/universidad.

  • Programación de verano ofrecida para cada grado.

  • Mantenimiento de la excelencia académica y la participación.

  • Responsabilidad ante cualquier comunicación del personal de Breakthrough.


Orientación para Nuevos Estudiantes: Sábado, 3 de mayo de 2025

Programa de Verano 2024: Del 30 de junio de 2025 al 1 de agosto de 2024 (8:00 a. m. – 3:45 p. m. | Lunes a viernes)

Noche de Padres el miércoles, 10 de julio de 2025 | 5:30 p. m. - 7:30 p. m. 

Conferencias el sábado, 19 de julio de 2025 | 9:00 a. m. - 12:00 p. m. 

Celebración el sábado, 2 de agosto de 2025 | 5:00 p. m. - 8:00 p. m.

Año Escolar 2025-2026: Sesiones de Breakthrough de septiembre a mayo 

1 día a la semana después de clases en MFMS 

1 reunión por trimestre para todas las familias 

*Las fechas son tentativas y están sujetas a cambios.

La asistencia es obligatoria: Si su hijo se inscribe, está comprometiéndose a planificar eventos familiares en torno a las fechas del programa mencionadas anteriormente. Los estudiantes que estén ausentes en más de tres fechas de programación o eventos están sujetos a estar en período de probation, y los períodos prolongados de prueba pueden resultar en la expulsión del estudiante del programa.

Al marcar la casilla a continuación, está reconociendo que comprende las expectativas que Breakthrough tiene para sus estudiantes y familias aceptados en su programa.

Confirme su compromiso marcando la casilla a continuación.

Please confirm your commitment by checking the box below. Your answer is required in order to submit.
This must have a "Default Value" populated with the Application Record Type ID for each affiliate as part of launch. This is found in Setup>Object Manager>Application>Record Types>Application>then the get the ID from URL. Connector won't work until this is done.