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Summer 2025 Breakthrough Instructional Coach Application
Thank you for your interest in Breakthrough!

Instructional Coaches are integral to the success of Breakthrough Teaching Fellows and students, and we are thrilled you are applying to coach. You'll grow your instructional, leadership, and coaching skills while inspiring others to enter the classroom.
After submission of your application, the director at your site of choice will be in contact with you directly if you are advanced in the selection process. You may be contacted by phone or email. To avoid missing critical communication, please add to your safe-senders list. 

If you have questions about the process, please email Specific questions about your site of choice should be directed to the director at that site. 

The summer 2025 Instructional Coach application will close on May 29, 2025.
Personal Information


Phone / Email


Education History



Your Experiences:

Current Employer

Please input a number in digits between 0 and 50.
Previous Breakthrough Experience


Supporting Documents

Disclosure of Misconduct

Your Preferences:


Select Breakthrough City
Please select the Breakthrough program at which you are interested in coaching. Please note that housing is not available, so please select a city where you would have guaranteed housing.

If you notice that a participating site listed on the instructional coach site directory is not listed here, they have filled all of their positions.
Please provide the name, organization, title, and email for two references who know you as a leader and educator. You may include supervisor(s), colleague(s), and/or someone you have coached or mentored. Directors may reach out to your references in the coming weeks.

Thank you for your interest in coaching with us this summer. Upon successful submission, you will receive a confirmation email. Selection is rolling and we will be in contact with you in the coming weeks. 

To avoid missing critical communication, please add to your safe-senders list and monitor your spam/junk folders.