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BTSV Student Application
(Vietnamese Parent Section)

Application Deadline: February 28, 2025

Thank you for your interest in Breakthrough!  Students and parents should carefully read all of the information below. 
Prospective families are asked to complete the following to be considered for Breakthrough:

1) Online application

  • Student Section (to be completed by the student)
  • Family Section (to be completed by the parent/guardian)
  • Two teacher recommendations (OR one teacher and one educator for FMSD students)
  • Additional paperwork to be uploaded, emailed, mailed or dropped off before the deadline
    Once all application materials are received, our team will review all information carefully, confidentially, and holistically.

    Breakthrough Silicon Valley is committed to making an impact in the community of Silicon Valley and changing not just the lives of our students, but also their families and the greater community.  Every year we are limited to accepting 120 of the most motivated students and committed families from the Franklin-McKinley School District and San Jose Unified School District (max of 60 students from each district).

    In selecting students we look for a well-written application that reflects a desire to learn, work hard, and grow, as well as a strong academic record. Our selection committee also considers standardized test scores and teacher recommendations in order to assess our ability to serve the student's academic needs. ALL accepted students must also demonstrate a need for a tuition-free program.

    Students must be current 6th graders attending school in either Franklin-McKinley School District or San Jose Unified School District to be eligible to apply.

    Breakthrough accepts students regardless of race, creed or color; we are committed to selecting a diverse group of students who benefit from the program.

    Applications Will be Reviewed by Breakthrough Staff on a Rolling Basis starting January 2025

    Breakthrough Site Information:

    Breakthrough Silicon Valley @ Herbert Hoover Middle School
    1635 Park Ave, San Jose, CA 96126

    Breakthrough Silicon Valley @ Franklin McKinley School District
    645 Wool Creek Dr, San Jose, CA 95112

    Saving Instructions
    Student Section: We are interested in getting to know each student who applies to Breakthrough so this section should ONLY BE COMPLETED BY THE STUDENT.  If you have any questions as you complete this portion of the application, please reach out to an adult.
    Student Contact Information
    Other School:
    Student Language(s)
    Student Section: We are interested in getting to know each student who applies to Breakthrough so this section should ONLY BE COMPLETED BY THE STUDENT.  If you have any questions as you complete this portion of the application, please reach out to an adult.
    Breakthrough History

    If more than one, choose the option that was most influential in applying for Breakthrough
    Names of family members, teachers, etc.

    School Information
    ID number issued to you by the school or district.
    Short Answer Questions:  Please answer all of the questions below using at least 2 sentences.  We want to see your best work!  You may copy/paste from a Word document if you like.
    1.  Breakthrough is a long-term commitment. See program description for a full explanation of the commitment. Why do you want to be a part of Breakthrough, and why do you feel ready for this commitment? What do you hope to gain? 

    Your answer is required in order to submit.
    2. Describe a time when you accomplished something, even though it was very difficult. How did you accomplish this despite the difficulties? 

    Your answer is required in order to submit.
    3. During the Breakthrough summer program students are sometimes required to complete homework. Can you tell us how you will manage this commitment? Why do you think this is important for learning? 

    Your answer is required in order to submit.
    This year, instead of an essay, we will be asking you to share a little bit about you if you are selected for an interview.   Keep in mind that we are looking to see your best work using your creative skills.  

    We will give you three prompts/questions from which you will choose ONE.  You will then have one week to create one of the following:  
    1) Prepare a 2 minute presentation 
    2) Prepare an essay for us to read  

    Essay:  Please answer the questions below using 250 words or less.  We want to see your best work!  You may copy/paste from a Word document if you like.
    1. Affiliate Student Essay Selection #1
    Your answer is required in order to submit.
    2. Affiliate Student Essay Selection #2
    Your answer is required in order to submit.

    Family Section: This section of the application should ONLY BE COMPLETED BY A PARENT / GUARDIAN.

    Thộng tin  (Parent / Guardian Information)
    First Name:
    Last Name:
    Gender Specify:
    Birth Country:
    Home Address Street:
    Home Address City:
    Home Address State:
    Home Address Zip Code:
    My address is the same as the student's:
    Email Address:
    Home Phone:
    Cell Phone:
    Work Phone:
    Preferred means of contact:
    Please select the best day(s) to contact you:
    Please select the best time(s) to contact you:

    Lich sử công việc (Employment History)

    Employment status:
    Employer name:

    Lịch Sử học vấn (Education History)

    Does your student qualify as a first-generation college student (i.e. neither parent has a 4-year degree from the US)? A first-generation student means BOTH parents did not complete a 4-year college or university degree (or higher). If a degree was obtained from a country other than the United States, a student qualifies as a first-generation student.
    Highest level of education completed:
    Country of Bachelor's degree

    Ngôn ngữ ở nhà (Home Language)

    What language do you primarily speak at home?
    Is there a secondary language you speak at home?
    What secondary language do you speak at home?
    Are there any other language(s) you speak at home?
    What additional language(s) do you speak at home? Select all that apply.
    How comfortable are you with English?
    Would you need documents and communication to be translated for you?

    Chi tiết mối quan hệ (Relationship Details)

    Is the student being raised in a single parent household?
    What is your relationship to the student?
    Do you have a spouse or partner who lives in the same household as you and your student?
    What is your spouse/partner's relationship to the student?
    Is there any other adult(s) involved in the student's upbringing or living in your home that we should be in contact with?
    Please provide details on other adult(s): Ex: Name, relationship, contact information, etc.
    How much of the time does your student live with you?
    Does the student receive additional financial support from another parent or guardian?
    Where does the student live when not living with you?
    Please explain any additional things to know about the student's family or family structure below:
    I would like to enter information for a second Parent/Guardian:
    Thộng tin số 2 (Parent / Guardian #2 Contact Information)
    Does Parent/Guardian #2 live in the same household as Parent/Guardian #1?
    I am only comfortable providing basic contact information on behalf of 'Parent / Guardian #2'.
    First Name:
    Last Name:
    Gender Specify:
    Birth Country:
    Home Address Street:
    Home Address City:
    Home Address State:
    Home Address Zip Code:
    Home Phone:

    Chi tiết mối quan hệ (Relationship Details)

    What is their relationship to the student?
    How much of the time does the student live with them?
    Cell Phone:
    Work Phone:
    Email Address:
    Preferred means of contact:
    Please select the best day(s) to contact them:
    Please select the best time(s) to contact them:

    Lich sử công việc (Employment History)

    Employment status:
    Employer name:

    Lịch Sử học vấn (Education History)

    Their highest level of education completed:
    Country of Bachelor's degree

    Ngôn ngữ ở nhà (Home Language)

    What language is primarily spoken in their home?
    Is there a secondary language spoken at their home?
    What secondary language do they speak at their home?
    Are there any other language(s) they speak at home?
    What additional language(s) do they speak at home? Select all that apply.
    How comfortable are they with English?
    Would they need documents and communication to be translated?

    Family Section: This section of the application should ONLY BE COMPLETED BY A PARENT / GUARDIAN.  Breakthrough will review all information carefully, confidentially, and holistically.

    Lịch sử Breakthrough (Breakthrough History)

    How did you hear about Breakthrough? Select all that apply.

    Why is your student applying to Breakthrough?
    Other - please explain:
    Please provide details on how you heard about Breakthrough: Names of family members, teachers, etc.
    Do you have any other children or relatives in the program?
    What is their relationship to the student applicant?
    Please provide details of the Breakthrough student(s): name(s), relationship type(s), Breakthrough site(s), and their current grade level(s):
    Hoàn Cảnh Gia Đình (Family Background)
    Is your monthly income fixed or flexible?
    What is your ANNUAL pre-tax household income last year:
    How many people living in your household are under the age of 18?
    How many people in your household are 18 years of age or older?
    Please upload your 1040 (optional): Form 1040 is an IRS tax form used for personal federal income tax returns filed by United States residents. The form calculates the total taxable income of the taxpayer. IRS 1040 form can be found here : (copy and paste into a new browser).
    Has anything happened in the last year that has impacted the accuracy of the information provided on your current financial situation?

    Family Section: This section of the application should ONLY BE COMPLETED BY A PARENT / GUARDIAN.  Breakthrough will review all information carefully, confidentially, and holistically.

    Hoàn Cảnh Học Sinh (Student Background)
    Does your student qualify for Free or Reduced Price Lunch? If you are unsure if your student qualifies, visit this website to calculate free or reduced price lunch status: (copy and paste into a new browser).
    Is your student Hispanic or Latinx?

    Which of the following choices describe your student's race? Select all that apply.
    Please specify student's country/ies of origin: Hold down the Ctrl button to choose more than one.
    Please list or describe any other communities your student identifies with: Can be specific ethnicity (Hmong, Chinese, Nigerian), religious affiliation (Muslim, Jewish, Jain), or any other community your student identifies with.
    How will your student get to/from Breakthrough?

    Other transport:
    Breakthrough provides students with access to public transportation, but students often travel to and from the program alone. Would you allow your child to travel alone on public transportation: Check all that apply.
    Does your student currently participate in any other programs or activities? Examples: Sports, Avid, Boys and Girls Club, Religious Activities, etc.

    Please describe your student's other commitment(s). How many hours per week does your student dedicate to each activity and how flexible are these commitments?
    Do you foresee any conflicts with the dates of the program?

    Please explain conflicts/concerns:
    To ensure that your child receives the consideration, support and encouragement they need while in Breakthrough, please share any educational support/services your student has or is currently receiving. Please select all that apply. If applicable (i.e. speech therapy, extra tutoring, medication, any accomodations, IEP, 504 Accomodation plans, RSP, etc.)
    Please describe educational support/ services:
    Breakthrough is a rigorous 7-year academic commitment. How will you help your student fulfill this commitment? Please explain:
    Please upload a student photo (optional):

    Family Section: This section of the application should ONLY BE COMPLETED BY A PARENT / GUARDIAN.  Breakthrough will review all information carefully, confidentially, and holistically.

    Những câu trả lời ngắn: Giúp chúng tôi tìm hiểu thêm về học sinh của bạn bằng cách trả lời các câu hỏi bên dưới. Xin vui lòng trả lời câu hỏi trong ít nhất 2 câu. Bạn có thể viết trên Word Doc và copy vào ô trống. Bạn có thể viết và copy câu trả lời vào ô trả lời. (Short Answer Questions: Help us get to know your student by responding to the questions below.  You may copy/paste from a Word document if you like.)
    1.  Hãy nói cho chúng tôi biết tại sao BẠN, với tư cách là cha mẹ/ người giám hộ muốn là một phần của Breakthrough và tại sao bạn nghĩ rằng điều quan trọng đối với con bạn là được đi học đại học 4 năm?

    Tell us why YOU, as the parent(s)/guardian(s) want to be part of the Breakthrough community and why you think it is important for your child to attend a 4-year college or university?
    2.  Breakthrough đang tìm kiếm những học sinh có trách nhiệm với bản thân, với việc học hành và với mọi trách nhiệm khác. Hãy cho chúng tôi biết tại sao bạn nghĩ con bạn là một học sinh có trách nhiệm. Xin hãy chia sẻ ví dụ hỗ trợ ý kiến của bạn.

    Breakthrough is looking for students who are committed to themselves, their academics, and to all responsibilities. Please tell us why you think your child is a dedicated and committed student. Please share any examples to support your ideas.
    3.  Xin hãy chia sẻ hành trình giáo dục của bạn với chúng tôi. Có bất kì trở ngại nào mà bạn đã trải qua đã ngăn bạn theo học bằng cao đẳng hay đại học không?

    Please share your own educational journey with us. What obstacles, if any, did you experience, that prevented you from pursuing higher education or a college degree?
    Thông tin trường hoc (Student School Information)
    Will the student be attending the same school next year?
    Student's new school name:
    Please list the school counselor or registrar at your student's school:
    Thông tin giới thiệu (Recommendation Information):

    Breakthrough Silicon đột phá yêu cầu hai đề xuất như một phần của quy trình đăng ký. 

    Nếu con bạn theo học tại Học khu Franklin McKinley, hai người giới thiệu có thể là hai giáo viên HOẶC một giáo viên và một nhà giáo dục (ví dụ: cố vấn trường học, hiệu trưởng). 

    Nếu con bạn theo học tại Học khu Thống nhất San Jose, hai người giới thiệu phải là MỘT giáo viên toán và MỘT giáo viên ngữ văn.

    Người giới thiệu 1
    If this name is incorrect or mispelled, please correct under the student section on page 3 of this form.
    Please provide the teacher's full name.
    1a. Recommender's Email:
    Người giới thiệu 2
    If this name is incorrect or mispelled, please correct under the student section on page 3 of this form.
    Please provide the teacher's full name.
    2a. Recommender's Email:
    Giấy tờ bổ sung (Additional Paperwork)

    Để hoàn thiện hồ sơ, vui lòng nộp bản sao học bạ lớp 6 của học sinh chậm nhất là ngày 18/02/2022.

    SJUSD: Bản sao điểm tổng kết học kì 1 lớp 6 (Copy of 6th grade Semester 1 Final Grades)
    FMSD: Bản sao của lớp 6 Quý / Học kỳ 1 hoặc 2 lớp (Copy of 6th grade Quarter/Trimester 1 or 2 grades )
    Phỏng vấn với Breakthrough (Breakthrough Interview)
    Nếu đơn đăng ký của gia đình của bạn đáp ứng các tiêu chuẩn của chúng tôi, chúng tôi sẽ mời bạn và con bạn đến phỏng vấn. Trong cuộc phỏng vấn này, Breakthrough sẽ phỏng vấn cả học sinh và phụ huynh / người giám hộ đã đăng ký vào chương trình. Nếu được chọn để phỏng vấn với Breakthrough, bạn sẽ được thông báo về cuộc hẹn của mình hai tuần trước khi phỏng vấn. Thông báo phỏng vấn sẽ được thông báo thông qua tài khoản email mà bạn đã cung cấp trong đơn đăng ký.
    Kỳ vong của Breakthrough (Breakthrough Expectations)

    Trong suốt chương trình bay năm của chúng tôi, Breakthrough phối hợp làm việc với mỗi gia đình để hỗ trợ và chuẩn bị cho học sinh của chúng tôi thành công trong các trường đại học bốn năm. Một gia đình Breakthrough điển hình cam kết như sau:

    • Học sinh tham dự chương trình học tập sáu tuần trong suốt mùa hè 2025, 2026, 2027
    • Học sinh tham dự chương trình sau giờ học hai lần một tuần trong một học kỳ của lớp 7 và một học kỳ của lớp 8
    • Phụ huynh tham gia tất cả các hội thảo, cuộc gặp mặt và hội nghị trong suốt sáu năm.
    • Khi học trung học, học sinh/ gia đình tham gia chương trình trung học thông qua các cuộc hội thảo hằng tháng cho cả học sinh và phụ huynh.
    • Học sinh và gia đình duy trì liên lạc thường xuyên với nhân viên Breakthrough.
    • Sinh viên tham gia các cuộc họp 1-1 với cố vấn của họ hàng tháng hoặc cách tháng

    Bằng cách chọn ô dưới đây, tôi xác nhận rằng tôi hiểu được chương trình là một cam kết kéo dài sáu năm và chúng tôi rất hào hứng tham gia và nhận được sự hỗ trợ cần thiết để đảm bảo con của chúng tôi đi học trường đại học bốn năm sau trung học

    Please confirm your commitment by checking the box below. Your answer is required in order to submit.
    This must have a "Default Value" populated with the Application Record Type ID for each affiliate as part of launch. This is found in Setup>Object Manager>Application>Record Types>Application>then the get the ID from URL. Connector won't work until this is done.