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New Student Application 2025

Application Deadline: March 14

Thank you for your interest in Breakthrough!  Students and parents should carefully read all of the information below. 
At Breakthrough Cincinnati, we believe in the power of young people. Our unique “students teaching students” model will transform your child’s summer learning experiences from boredom to brilliance. The only program of its kind in our region, Breakthrough Cincinnati provides an academically enriching and fun community for rising sixth through ninth graders. Your child will develop the academic and leadership skills necessary for success in college and beyond. We are excited to get to know your child and your family. Breakthrough Cincinnati provides rigorous multi-week, four-year, college-preparatory summer learning experiences tuition-free, for high-need and high-potential middle school students and inspires and trains college students as the next generation of teachers. The summer programs take place at two local sites. Each day, Monday-Friday, 9-4pm, students take courses in English, math, history and science in small classes of eight to ten students. In the afternoon, students attend academic electives, life skills and leadership workshops, and participate in additional experiences in athletics or the arts. Students also experience community service, career exploration and outdoor experiences. During the school year, BTC remains invested in the academic success of our students. Students should engage at least three times in school year programming that supports academic, social, and professional growth. We have college and career focused Super Saturdays as well as monthly leadership and social events. Breakthrough Cincinnati students share a love of learning and want to go to college. They strive to do their best and are always open to new ideas and experiences. BTC students work hard, want to develop leadership skills, and have fun in the process. Their families are engaged in the learning process and have aspirations for their child’s success. Transportation can be provided for students who express the need and live within 10-mile radius of one of the program sites. BTC contracts with a third party transportation provider. If your child is selected for the program, we will communicate extensively with you in the weeks prior to the program’s start date to plan your student’s transportation. Breakthrough is committed to selecting a class of students who approximate the makeup of our city. Our program welcomes all members of our community, and we celebrate all identities. Breakthrough wants to support students who are eager for a challenge and can benefit from the program. BTC aims to create a safe and optimum learning environment to prepare students for a lifetime of success. As a safe space, BTC wants all community members to support the values and goals of the program by using respectful language and behavior that is indicative of the community we wish to be a part of. Application Requests: Student Short responses (student interests) Family responses (background, financial info, transportation needs) Student Records (report card and test scores) Teacher Recommendation Post-Application Request: Family interview Items needed to help complete the application: Parent or non-school email (checked regularly) (put on safe-list) Pre-written responses (from questions posted in the Application Guide)
2023 family taxable income Teacher Recommender email address Report Card & ELA/MA Standards-based Test Scores

Selection Timeline for Summer Program

Online Application Due Date: March 14

Follow Ups: March 21

Applications Reviewed by Breakthrough Staff: March 24-28

Breakthrough Student-Family Interviews: March 31 - April 11

Decision Letters sent after:  April 15

Student & Family Orientations: April 26 - May 1

Summer Program Dates: June 30 - August 1

Breakthrough Site Information:

Breakthrough Cincinnati has two sites. Students are assigned to sites based on school enrollment and geographic needs.

Breakthrough Cincinnati @ Cincinnati Country Day School
6905 Given Road, Cincinnati, Ohio 45243

Breakthrough Cincinnati @ University of Cincinnati
2600 Clifton Ave. Cincinnati OH 45221

Questions? Email:
Instruction page
Student Section: We are interested in getting to know each student who applies to Breakthrough so this section should ONLY BE COMPLETED BY THE STUDENT.  If you have any questions as you complete this portion of the application, please reach out to an adult.
Student Contact Information
Please use a personal (non-school) email address, since you may not get our emails if you use a school address!
Student Language(s)
Student Section: We are interested in getting to know each student who applies to Breakthrough so this section should ONLY BE COMPLETED BY THE STUDENT.  If you have any questions as you complete this portion of the application, please reach out to an adult.
Teacher or Other Recommenders
Breakthrough requires one recommendation as part of the application process.  Please list the ENGLISH or MATH teacher who will provide your recommendation.  Your parent / guardian will be asked to provide the teacher's email addresses in the parent section of the application.
Please provide the teacher's full name.
Please provide the teacher's full name.
Breakthrough History

If more than one, choose the option that was most influential in applying for Breakthrough
Names of family members, teachers, etc.
School Information
ID number issued to you by the school or district.
Affiliate Instruction
For all short answer and essay questions you need to populate the question(s) below AND in the Connector in order for the record in Salesforce to show the question they are answering. These instructions are for your use and will be hidden from applicants.
Short Answer Questions:  Please answer all of the questions below using at least 2 sentences.  We want to see your best work!  You may copy/paste from a Word document if you like.
1. What do you want to be when you grow up? How will college help you get there?

Your answer is required in order to submit.
2. What does being a leader mean to you? Describe a time you were a leader.

Your answer is required in order to submit.
3. What can you do to support a positive peer community and learning environment at Breakthrough?

Your answer is required in order to submit.
Essay:  Please answer the questions below using 250 words or less.  We want to see your best work!  You may copy/paste from a Word document if you like.
1. Consider a community of which you are a part (eg. school, neighborhood, religious, etc.) and reflect on a challenge faced by this community. How can you help your community to overcome this challenge?

Your answer is required in order to submit.
2. Describe your favorite learning experience. Why was it your favorite? What did you learn?

Your answer is required in order to submit.

Family Section: This section of the application should ONLY BE COMPLETED BY A PARENT / GUARDIAN.

Parent / Guardian Information

Employment History

Education History

A first-generation student means BOTH parents did not complete a 4-year college or university degree (or higher). If a degree was obtained from a country other than the United States, a student qualifies as a first-generation student.

Home Language(s)

Relationship Details

Ex: Name, relationship, contact information, etc.
Parent / Guardian #2 Contact Information

Relationship Details

Employment History

Education History

Home Language

Family Section: This section of the application should ONLY BE COMPLETED BY A PARENT / GUARDIAN.  Breakthrough will review all information carefully, confidentially, and holistically.

Breakthrough History

Select all that apply.
Names of family members, teachers, etc.
Family Background
Form 1040 is an IRS tax form used for personal federal income tax returns filed by United States residents. The form calculates the total taxable income of the taxpayer. IRS 1040 form can be found here : (copy and paste into a new browser).

Family Section: This section of the application should ONLY BE COMPLETED BY A PARENT / GUARDIAN.  Breakthrough will review all information carefully, confidentially, and holistically.

Student Background
If you are unsure if your student qualifies, visit this website to calculate free or reduced price lunch status: (copy and paste into a new browser).

Hold down the Ctrl button to choose more than one.
Can be specific ethnicity (Hmong, Chinese, Nigerian), religious affiliation (Muslim, Jewish, Jain), or any other community your student identifies with.
Breakthrough operates at 2 locations:

Cincinnati Country Day School (6905 Given Rd. 45243)
University of Cincinnati (2600 Clifton Ave. 45219)

Students are assigned to locations based on several factors. Busing can be provided within 10 miles of a location. Consider your transportation choice based on your home address to the nearest BTC location. Note: In some circumstances, busing may not be the best option.

Check all that apply.
Examples: Sports, Avid, Boys and Girls Club, Religious Activities, etc.

Summer 2025 Programming runs from June 30-August 1 (Monday through Friday);
No program July 4.

If applicable (i.e. speech therapy, extra tutoring, medication, any accomodations, IEP, 504 Accomodation plans, RSP, etc.)

Family Section: This section of the application should ONLY BE COMPLETED BY A PARENT / GUARDIAN.  Breakthrough will review all information carefully, confidentially, and holistically.

Affiliate Instruction
For all short answer and/or essay questions you need to populate the question(s) below AND in the Connector in order for the record in Salesforce to show the question they are answering. These instructions are for your use and will be hidden from applicants.
Short Answer Questions: Help us get to know your student by responding to the questions below.  You may copy/paste from a Word document if you like.
1. Describe your student's strengths, talents and academic abilities.

Your answer is required in order to submit.
2. What goals do you have for your student? How do you see Breakthrough supporting your student's future?

Your answer is required in order to submit.
3. The success of students at Breakthrough, and of our program as a whole, depends on the continual support of family members. How will you support your student's engagement in the program?

Your answer is required in order to submit.

Cat 1. Disruptive, eg. disobedient; Cat 2. Disorderly, eg. fight; Cat 3. Dangerous, eg. extreme physical or mental harm

Tier 1. teachable moment; Tier 2. group intervention enrollment; Tier 3. individual plan.
Student School Information
Recommendation Information: Breakthrough requires one recommendation as part of the application process. Your student has already provided a name, please provide the email address and we will contact this recommender directly via email. 

Recommender 1
If this name is incorrect or mispelled, please correct under the student section on page 4 of this form.
If this name is incorrect or mispelled, please correct under the student section on page 3 of this form.
Additional Paperwork
To complete your application, please submit a copy of the student's Report Card AND a copy of his/her most recent English and Math test scores (examples: MAP, NWEA, TerraNova). Information on where to find and download these items is in the application guide. Please submit these as soon as possible and no later than March 21 (this is a postmark deadline if you are mailing the scores). 

Breakthrough Expectations

I understand that Breakthrough Cincinnati is a four-year, tuition-free, academic enrichment program that seeks highly motivated students to participate in its multi-week summer sessions (one after 5th grade, one after 6th grade, one after 7th grade, and one after 8th grade) and regular school year programming. 


If selected, I will ensure that my child attends the academic summer session daily. My student will be present and on-time, every day of the multi-week summer session, except in the case of an emergency. Our family will be committed to Breakthrough and plan family events, such as vacations, around these events. I will communicate any scheduling conflicts or emergencies with the Breakthrough Cincinnati staff. 


If selected, I will work with my student to select three school year program sessions to attend. I understand it is important to stay connected with a community of support and enriching experiences year round.


I understand that family involvement is an essential part of my student’s success at Breakthrough Cincinnati.  As the parent/guardian of a Breakthrough student, I will attend a variety of family events during the summer and school year, including orientation and Celebration. I will communicate with Breakthrough staff about any concerns in a timely manner and will participate in feedback opportunities.

I understand that my behavior and my student's behavior is indicative of the community we wish to be a part of. Breakthrough is a safe space and we support the values and goals of the program. The language and behavior expectations for myself and my student are to be respectful of my peers and to uphold the values of the program.


I will work with my student to help them maintain at least a “B” average in all of his/her core classes during the school year.  If my student is struggling with a class, I will make sure to inform Breakthrough Cincinnati to help my student get the support she/he needs.  

By checking the box below, you are acknowledging that you understand the expectations Breakthrough has for its students and families accepted into its program.

Your answer is required in order to submit.
This must have a "Default Value" populated with the Application Record Type ID for each affiliate as part of launch. This is found in Setup>Object Manager>Application>Record Types>Application>then get the ID from URL. Connector won't work until this is done.
It may take up to 1 minute for the application to process before you see the confirmation screen. Please do not hit submit a second time. Thank you for your patience!