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Breakthrough Fort Worth

Student Application 2024

Thank you for expressing your interest in Breakthrough! It is advised that both students and parents thoroughly review all the information provided below:

In order to qualify for the program, students must meet the following criteria:
  • Currently enrolled in either 6th or 7th grade.
  • Exhibit a strong commitment to learning and diligence.
  • Be available to participate in our 6-week summer program without scheduling conflicts.

For the completion of your application, please prepare the following:
  1. A designated family email address
  2. Contact information, including the name and email address, of either your mathematics or English teacher who will provide a recommendation
  3. A copy or screenshot of your most recent report card

Breakthrough Selection Timeline
  • Applications Reviewed by Breakthrough Staff: February 2024 - May 2024.
  • Interviews: February 2024- April 2024
  • Decision Letters Emailed: 2-3 weeks after your interview

Gracias por tu interés en Breakthrough. Los estudiantes y los padres deben leer cuidadosamente toda la información a continuación.

Para ser elegible para el programa, los estudiantes deben cumplir con los siguientes criterios:
  • Estar actualmente cursando sexto o séptimo grado.
  • Demostrar una pasión por el aprendizaje y el trabajo arduo.
  • Poder asistir a nuestro programa de verano de 6 semanas sin conflictos de horario.

Para completar su solicitud, necesitará lo siguiente:
  1. Una dirección de correo electrónico familiar preferida.
  2. Información de contacto, incluyendo el nombre y correo electrónico, de su profesor de matemáticas o inglés que proporcionará una recomendación.
  3. Una copia o captura de pantalla de su boletín de calificaciones más reciente.
Proceso de Selección de Breakthrough
  • Solicitudes revisadas por el personal de BreakthroughFebrero de 2024 - Mayo de 2024
  • Entrevistas: Febrero de 2024- Mayo de 2024
  • Cartas de decisión enviadas por correo electrónico: 2-3 semanas después de tu entrevista.


Application Saving Instructions

Student Section: We are interested in getting to know each student who applies to Breakthrough so this section should ONLY BE COMPLETED BY THE STUDENT.  If you have any questions as you complete this portion of the application, please reach out to an adult.

Sección del Estudiante: Nos interesa conocer a cada estudiante que solicita ingresar a Breakthrough, por lo que esta sección DEBE SER COMPLETADA ÚNICAMENTE POR EL ESTUDIANTE. Si tienes alguna pregunta mientras completas esta parte de la solicitud, por favor, comunícate con un adulto.
Student Contact Information
Student Language(s)
Student Section: We are interested in getting to know each student who applies to Breakthrough so this section should ONLY BE COMPLETED BY THE STUDENT.  If you have any questions as you complete this portion of the application, please reach out to an adult.

Sección del Estudiante: Nos interesa conocer a cada estudiante que solicita ingresar a Breakthrough, por lo que esta sección DEBE SER COMPLETADA ÚNICAMENTE POR EL ESTUDIANTE. Si tienes alguna pregunta mientras completas esta parte de la solicitud, por favor, comunícate con un adulto.
Teacher or Other Recommenders
Breakthrough requires ONE recommendation as part of the application process.  Please list the teachers who will provide your recommendations.  Your parent / guardian will be asked to provide their email addresses in the parent section of the application.

Breakthrough requiere UNA recomendación como parte del proceso de solicitud. Por favor, enumera a los maestros que proporcionarán tus recomendaciones. A tus padres/tutores se les pedirá que proporcionen sus direcciones de correo electrónico en la sección de padres de la solicitud.
Please provide the teacher's full name.
Breakthrough History

If more than one, choose the option that was most influential in applying for Breakthrough
Names of family members, teachers, etc.
School Information: Applicants must be in the 6th or 7th grade during the 2023-2024 academic year to be considered for admission.
Please write the math class that is indicated on your Report Card/ Por favor, escribe la clase de matemáticas que aparece en tu boleta de calificaciones.  
ID number issued to you by the school or district / Número de identificación emitido por la escuela o el distrito
Affiliate Instruction
For all short answer and essay questions you need to populate the question(s) below AND in the Connector in order for the record in Salesforce to show the question they are answering. These instructions are for your use and will be hidden from applicants.
Short Answer Section:  Please answer all of the questions.  We want to see your best work!  You may copy/paste from a Word document if you like.
1.  Choose THREE words to describe yourself and WHY. (Please write your answer in complete sentences)

Your answer is required in order to submit.
2. What is your favorite book, show, or song and WHY?

Your answer is required in order to submit.
3. What are your future goals? How will attending college help you reach these goals? (4-6 sentences)

Your answer is required in order to submit.
4. Name 2 people that you especially admire and explain why using 4-6 sentences.

Your answer is required in order to submit.
5. Finish this sentence: If could take anyone in the world to lunch it would be... 

Your answer is required in order to submit.

Family Section: This section of the application SHOULD ONLY BE COMPLETED BY A PARENT / GUARDIAN.)

Sección de la familia: Esta parte de la solicitud DEBE SER COMPLETADA ÚNICAMENTE POR UN PADRE / TUTOR.

Parent/Guadian Sections: The intent behind the following questions is to gain insights into the following aspects:
1. These questions are aimed at gaining a thorough understanding of your family's circumstances. This understanding enables us to tailor our services to better meet your needs.
2. It is worth noting that Breakthrough holds high expectations for the level of commitment from parents. Responding to these questions demonstrates your dedication to the program's objectives, fostering a collaborative effort towards the success and growth of the students we serve.

Secciones de Padres/Tutores: El propósito de las siguientes preguntas es obtener información sobre los siguientes aspectos:
1. Estas preguntas tienen como objetivo obtener una comprensión completa de las circunstancias de su familia. Esta comprensión nos permite adaptar nuestros servicios para satisfacer mejor sus necesidades.

2. Vale la pena destacar que Breakthrough tiene expectativas elevadas en cuanto al nivel de compromiso por parte de los padres. Responder a estas preguntas demuestra su dedicación a los objetivos del programa, fomentando un esfuerzo colaborativo hacia el éxito y crecimiento de los estudiantes a los que servimos.
Parent / Guardian Information

Employment History

Education History

A first-generation student means BOTH parents did not complete a 4-year college or university degree (or higher). If a degree was obtained from a country other than the United States, a student qualifies as a first-generation student.

Home Language(s)

Relationship Details

Ex: Name, relationship, contact information, etc./ Ejemplo: Nombre, relación, información de contacto, etc.
Parent / Guardian #2 Contact Information

Relationship Details

Employment History

Education History

Home Language

Family Section: This section of the application SHOULD ONLY BE COMPLETED BY A PARENT / GUARDIAN.)

Sección de la familia: Esta parte de la solicitud DEBE SER COMPLETADA ÚNICAMENTE POR UN PADRE / TUTOR.

Breakthrough History
Family Background

Family Section: This part of the application MUST BE COMPLETED ONLY BY A PARENT/GUARDIAN. Breakthrough will review all information attentively, confidentially, and comprehensively.

Sección de la familia: esta sección de la solicitud DEBE SER COMPLETADA SOLAMENTE POR UN PADRE / TUTOR. Breakthrough revisará toda la información cuidadosamente, de manera confidencial y de manera integral.

Student Background
If you are unsure if your student qualifies, visit this website to calculate free or reduced price lunch status: (copy and paste into a new browser)./ Si no está seguro de si su estudiante califica, visite este sitio web para calcular el estado de almuerzo gratuito o a precio reducido: (copie y pegue en un nuevo navegador).

Hold down the Ctrl button to choose more than one.
Can be specific ethnicity (Hmong, Chinese, Nigerian), religious affiliation (Muslim, Jewish, Jain), or any other community your student identifies with./ Puede ser una etnia específica (Hmong, china, nigeriana), afiliación religiosa (musulmana, judía, jaina) u cualquier otra comunidad con la que su estudiante se identifique.

Examples: Sports, Avid, Boys and Girls Club, Religious Activities, etc.

Summer 2024 Program Dates will run from: June 17 - July 27, 2024

Programa de verano de 2024 serán desde: el 17 de junio hasta el 27 de julio de 2024.

If applicable (i.e. speech therapy, extra tutoring, medication, any accomodations, IEP, 504 Accomodation plans, RSP, etc.)

Family Section: This section of the application should ONLY BE COMPLETED BY A PARENT / GUARDIAN.  Breakthrough will review all information carefully, confidentially, and holistically.

Sección de la Familia: Esta parte de la solicitud DEBE SER COMPLETADA SOLAMENTE POR UN PADRE/TUTOR. Breakthrough revisará toda la información con cuidado, de manera confidencial y de manera integral.
Affiliate Instruction
For all short answer and/or essay questions you need to populate the question(s) below AND in the Connector in order for the record in Salesforce to show the question they are answering. These instructions are for your use and will be hidden from applicants.
Short Answer Questions: Help us get to know your student by responding to the questions below.  You may copy/paste from a Word document if you like./ Ayúdenos a conocer a su estudiante respondiendo a las preguntas a continuación. Puede copiar/pegar desde un documento de Word si lo prefiere.

Why do you want your child to participate in Breakthrough?/ ¿Por qué quiere que su hijo/a participar en Breakthrough?

Your answer is required in order to submit.

[FAMILY] Please share some of the best qualities of your child. List them below. Por favor comparta algunas de las mejores cualidades de su hijo/a

Your answer is required in order to submit.
Student School Information
Recommendation Information: Breakthrough requires ONE recommendation as part of the application process. Your student has already provided the names; please provide the email address, and we will contact these recommenders directly via email.

Breakthrough Fort Worth requiere UNA recomendación como parte del proceso de solicitud. Su estudiante ya proporcionó los nombres, por favor proporcione la dirección de correo electrónico y nos pondremos en contacto con estos recomendadores directamente por correo electrónico.

Recommender 1
If this name is incorrect or mispelled, please correct under the student section on page 3 of this form.
Breakthrough Expectations

Statement of Understanding / Declaración de Comprensión

I have read and enthusiastically support my child’s application for Breakthrough.  I will do all that I can to assist his/her academic and personal growth.  I understand that the commitment is until high school graduation.  I agree to schedule family events, trips, and other activities around the dates of the program so that my child can attend daily. 

He leído la aplicación y la soporta con entusiasmo.  Haré todo que puedo para asistir su desarrollo académica y personal.  Entiendo que el compromiso es hasta la graduación de preparatoria.  Estoy de acuerdo a planear hechos familiares, viajes, y otras actividades con las fechas del programa por eso mi hijo puede asistir diariamente.   

By checking the box below, you are acknowledging that you understand the expectations Breakthrough has for its students and families accepted into its program.

Al marcar la casilla a continuación, reconoces que comprendes las expectativas que Breakthrough tiene para sus estudiantes y familias aceptadas en su programa.

Your answer is required in order to submit.
This must have a "Default Value" populated with the Application Record Type ID for each affiliate as part of launch. This is found in Setup>Object Manager>Application>Record Types>Application>then get the ID from URL. Connector won't work until this is done.
It may take up to 1 minute for the application to process before you see the confirmation screen. Please do not hit submit a second time. Thank you for your patience!